Lecture 3D Geometry Processing
Prof. Dr. David Bommes
Computer Graphics Group


  • Motivation
  • Recap: Differential Geometry
  • Classification of Mappings
  • Harmonic Functions
  • Discrete Harmonic Maps
  • Advanced Methods


  • Texture Mapping

Wikipedia: Texture Mapping


  • Normal Mapping

Wikipedia: Normal Mapping


  • Remeshing

Alliez et al.: Interactive Geometry Remeshing - SIGGRAPH 2002


  • Shape Interpolation

Kraevoy,Sheffer: Cross-Parameterization and Compatible Remeshing of 3D Models - SIGGRAPH 2004


  • Geometric pattern synthesis

Dumas,Lu,Lefebvre,Wu,Dick: By-Example Synthesis of Structurally Sound Patterns - SIGGRAPH 2015

Mesh Parameterization

  • Find a one-to-one (bijective) mapping between a given surface mesh and a 2D parameter domain

Unfolding the World

Spherical Coordinates

\[ \matrix{\theta \\ \phi} \mapsto \matrix{\sin \theta \sin \phi \\ \cos \theta \ \sin\phi \\ \cos \phi} \]

Desirable Properties

  • Bijective mapping

  • Low distortion
    • How to measure distortion?
    • Can distortion be avoided completely?


Floater, Hormann: Surface Parameterization: A Tutorial and Survey, 2005

preserves angles
preserves area

More Maps

Dymaxion Map

Image Source

Dymaxion Map

Image Source

New Maps

Authagraph by hajime narukawa wins 2016 japan GOOD DESIGN grand award

Differential Geometry

  • Parametric surface representation

\[ \begin{eqnarray} \vec{x} \colon \Omega \subset \R^2 & \to & \set{S} \subset \R^3 \\[2mm] \of{u,v} & \mapsto & \matrix{x\of{u,v} \\ y\of{u,v} \\ z\of{u,v}} \end{eqnarray} \]

  • Regular if
    • Coordinate functions \(x\), \(y\), \(z\) are smooth
    • Tangents are linearly independent: \(\vec{x}_{,u} \times \vec{x}_{,v} \neq \vec{0}\)

Distortion Analysis

  • Jacobian transforms infinitesimal vectors

\[ \func{d}\vec{x} = \mat{J} \func{d}\vec{u} \quad \quad \mat{J} = \matrix{ x_u & x_v \\ y_u & y_v \\ z_u & z_v } \]

\[\norm{\func{d}\vec{x}}^2 \;=\; \left(\func{d}\vec{u} \right)^T \mat{J}^T \mat{J} \, \func{d}\vec{u} \;=\; \left(\func{d}\vec{u} \right)^T \mat{I} \, \func{d}\vec{u} \]

First Fundamental Form

  • Characterizes the surface metric locally

\[\vec{I} \;=\; \matrix { \vec{x}_u^T \vec{x}_u & \vec{x}_u^T \vec{x}_v \\ \vec{x}_u^T \vec{x}_v & \vec{x}_v^T \vec{x}_v } \]

  • Allows to measure on the surface
    • Angles: \(\cos\theta \;=\; \left( \func{d}\vec{u}_1^T \, \mat{I} \, \func{d}\vec{u}_2 \right) / \left( \norm{\func{d}\vec{u}_1} \cdot \norm{\func{d}\vec{u}_2} \right)\)
    • Length: \(\func{d}s^2 \;=\; \func{d}\vec{u}^T \, \mat{I} \, \func{d}\vec{u}\)
    • Area: \(\func{d}A \;=\; \func{det}\of{\mat{I}} \,\func{d}u\,\func{d}v\)

First Fundamental Form

  • Example \(\vec{f},\vec{g} \colon [0,1]^2 \to \R^3\)

\[\vec{f}(u,v) = \matrix{\sin u \\ \cos u \\ v} \]

\[\vec{g}(u,v) = \matrix{\sin u \\ \cos u \\ v^2} \]

First Fundamental Form

  • Example \(\vec{f},\vec{g} \colon [0,1]^2 \to \R^3\)

\[\vec{f}(u,v) = \matrix{\sin u \\ \cos u \\ v} \]

\[\vec{f}_{,u} = \matrix{\cos u \\ -\sin u \\ 0} \quad \vec{f}_{,v} = \matrix{0 \\ 0 \\ 1}\]

\[\vec{g}(u,v) = \matrix{\sin u \\ \cos u \\ v^2} \]

\[\vec{g}_{,u} = \matrix{\cos u \\ -\sin u \\ 0} \quad \vec{g}_{,v} = \matrix{0 \\ 0 \\ 2v}\]

First Fundamental Form

  • Example \(\vec{f},\vec{g} \colon [0,1]^2 \to \R^3\)

\[\vec{f}(u,v) = \matrix{\sin u \\ \cos u \\ v} \]

\[\vec{I_f}(u,v) = \matrix{1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 } \]

\[\vec{g}(u,v) = \matrix{\sin u \\ \cos u \\ v^2} \]

\[\vec{I_g}(u,v) = \matrix{1 & 0 \\ 0 & 4v^2 }\]

same shape - but different metric!

First Fundamental Form

  • Example \(\vec{f},\vec{g} \colon [0,1]^2 \to \R^3\)

\[\vec{f}(u,v) = \matrix{\sin u \\ \cos u \\ v} \]

\[\vec{g}(u,v) = \matrix{\sin u \\ \cos u \\ v^2} \]


A regular parameterization \(\vec{x} \colon \Omega \to \set{S}\) is

  • conformal (angle preserving), if the angle of every pair of intersecting curves on \(\set{S}\) is the same as that of the corresponding pre-images in \(\Omega\).
  • equiareal (area preserving) if every part of \(\Omega\) is mapped onto a part of \(\set{S}\) with the same area
  • isometric (length preserving), if the length of any arc on \(\set{S}\) is the same as that of its pre-image in \(\Omega\).


Floater, Hormann: Surface Parameterization: A Tutorial and Survey, 2005

preserves angles
= conformal
preserves area
= equiareal

Isometric Maps

  • A regular parameterization \(\vec{x}(u,v)\) is isometric, iff its first fundamental form is the identity: \[\mat{I}\of{u,v} \;=\; \matrix{ 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 }\]
  • A surface can have an isometric parameterization, iff it has zero Gaussian curvature.
    • Which surfaces with zero Gaussian curvature do you know?

Conformal Maps

  • A regular parameterization \(\vec{x}(u,v)\) is conformal, iff its first fundamental form is a scalar multiple of the identity:
    \[\mat{I}\of{u,v} \;=\; s\of{u,v} \cdot \matrix{ 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 }\]

Wikipedia: Conformal Map

Conformal Maps

  • Riemann Conformal Mapping Theorem
    • Any two simply connected compact planar regions can be mapped conformally onto each other

Wikipedia: Riemann Mapping Theorem

Conformal Maps

Conformal Flow

Crane et al. Spin Transformations of Discrete Surfaces, ACM Siggraph 2011

Equiareal Maps

  • A regular parameterization \(\vec{x}(u,v)\) is equiareal, iff the determinant of its first fundamental form is 1:

\[ \det\of{\mat{I}\of{u,v}} \;=\; 1 \]


  • An isometric parameterization is conformal and equiareal, and vice versa:

isometric ⇔ conformal + equiareal

  • Isometric is ideal, but rare. In practice, people try to compute:
    • Conformal
    • Equiareal
    • Some balance between the two


  • Least-Squares Conformal Map
    • tries to minimize angle distortion and non-uniform scalings
    • implemented in many tools, e.g. matlab, blender, meshlab, libigl, etc.

Levy et al.: Least squares conformal maps for automatic texture atlas generation - SIGGRAPH 2002

Harmonic Functions on Surfaces

  • A function \(\vec{f} \colon \set{S} \to \R^n\) on a surface \(\set{S}\) is harmonic if it satisfies (for each coordinate) \[\laplace_{\set{S}} \vec{f} \;=\; 0\]
  • A harmonic function minimizes the Dirichlet energy given suitable boundary conditions \[E_D(\vec{f}) = \int_{\set{S}} \norm{ \grad_{\set{S}} \vec{f} }^2 \func{d}A\]

Wikipedia: Harmonic Function

Harmonic Maps

  • Isometric maps are conformal, conformal maps are harmonic:
    isometric ⇒ conformal ⇒ harmonic
  • Harmonic maps are easier to compute than conformal maps
  • Harmonic maps are not conformal in general, i.e. do not necessarily preserve angles

Harmonic Maps

Theorem [Rado-Kneser-Choquet]

If \(\vec{f} \colon \set{S} \to \R^2\) is harmonic and maps the boundary \(\partial \set{S}\) of \(\set{S}\) homeomorphically onto the boundary \(\partial \Omega\) of some convex region \(\Omega \subset \R^2\), then \(\vec{f}\) is bijective.

Wikipedia: Rado-Kneser-Choquet Theorem

Discrete Maps

  • Piecewise linear map of a discrete 3D triangle mesh onto a planar 2D polygon
  • Given a mesh \(\set{S}\) compute the mapping \(\vec{u} \colon \set{S} \to \Omega \subset \R^2\), i.e., for each vertex \(v_i\) find parameter values \(\vec{u}_i \in \R^2\).

Discrete Harmonic Maps

  • Map the boundary \(\partial \set{S}\) homeomorphically to some (convex) polygon \(\partial \Omega\) in the parameter plane
  • Solve \(\laplace_{\set{S}} \vec{u} = 0\) through a linear system

\[\forall v_i \in \set{S} \;:\; \sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} w_{ij} \left( \vec{u}\of{v_j} - \vec{u}\of{v_i} \right) = 0\]

\[w_{ij} \;=\; \func{cot} \alpha_{ij} + \func{cot} \beta_{ij}\]

Example: Discrete Harmonic Map

  • Uniform Laplace discretization \(w_{ij} = 1\)
  • Boundary vertices: \(\{1,2,3,4\}\), interior vertices: \(\{5,6,7\}\)
  • Map boundary to convex polygon (unit square)

mesh graph

boundary constraints

Example: Discrete Harmonic Map

  • Solve linear system \(\vec{L}\vec{u} = \vec{b}\) to find parameters \(\vec{u}\) \[ \tiny \mat{L} \;=\; \matrix{ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & -5 & 1 & 1\\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & -4 & 1\\ 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & -4\\ } \quad \mat{b} \;=\; \matrix{ 0 & 0\\ 1 & 0 \\ 1& 1 \\ 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 \\ 0& 0 \\ 0& 0} \quad \mat{u} \;=\; \matrix{ 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 \\ 0.53 & 0.53 \\ 0.25 & 0.45 \\ 0.45 & 0.25} \]

Discrete Harmonic Maps

  • Importance of proper discretization of Laplace Operator

uniform weights

cotangent weights

Discrete Harmonic Maps

  • How to solve the linear system?
    • Transform into symmetric positive definite system and solve it using conjugate gradients or sparse Cholesky
    • Simply iterate the following for all vertices (why?) \[ \forall v_i \in \set{S} \;:\; \vec{u}\of{v_i} \;\leftarrow\; \frac{1}{\sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} w_{ij}} \sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} w_{ij} \vec{u}\of{v_j}\]
  • We will discuss both methods next week…

Try it yourself!

Discrete Harmonic Maps

  • We know from the theorem of Rado-Kneser-Choquet that bijective harmonic maps onto convex domains exist.
  • Does the same hold for discrete maps?
  • Potential problems
    • triangles could flip
    • triangles could degenerate to zero area

Convex Combination Maps

  • A discrete mapping that satisfies the linear equations

\[\sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} w_{ij} \left( \vec{u}\of{v_j} - \vec{u}\of{v_i} \right) = 0\]

\(\;\;\;\) and has positive weights that sum to one, i.e.

\[w_{ij} > 0 \quad \wedge \quad \sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} w_{ij} = 1\]

\(\;\;\;\) is called a convex combination mapping.

Convex Combination Maps

  • Each \(\vec{u}(v_i)\) is a convex combination of \(\vec{u}(v_j)\)

\[ \vec{u}\of{v_i} \;=\; \sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} w_{ij} \vec{u}\of{v_j}\]

  • Theorem [Tutte]:
    If \(\vec{u} \colon \set{S} \to \Omega\) is a convex combination map that maps the boundary \(\partial \set{S}\) homeomorphically to the boundary \(\partial \Omega\) of a convex region \(\Omega \subset \R^2\), then \(\vec{u}\) is one-to-one.

Wikipedia: Tutte Embedding

Convex Combination Maps

  • Uniform barycentric weights \[ w_{ij} \;=\; 1 / \func{valence}\of{v_i}\]
  • Cotangent weights (\(> 0\) only if \(\alpha_{ij} + \beta_{ij} < \pi\)!) \[w_{ij} \;=\; \cot\of{\alpha_{ij}} + \cot\of{\beta_{ij}}\]

  • Mean value weights (always > 0) \[w_{ij} \;=\; \frac{ \tan\of{\delta_{ij}/2} + \tan\of{\gamma_{ij}/2} } {\norm{ \vec{x}_j - \vec{x}_i }}\]

Convex Combination Maps

  • Comparison

Try it yourself!

Fixing the Boundary

  • Basic Approach
    • Choose a simple convex shape, e.g. triangle, square, circle
    • Distribute points on boundary, e.g. use arc length parameterization
    • Solve Laplace equation
  • Problem: Fixing the boundary can create high distortion

Open Boundary Mappings

  • Include boundary vertices in the optimization
  • Produces mappings with lower distortion

Open Boundary Mappings

  • Need disk-like topology
  • Introduce cuts on the mesh

Open Boundary Mappings

  • Need disk-like topology
  • Introduce cuts on the mesh
  • Naive cut introduces large distortions

Open Boundary Mappings

  • Need disk-like topology
  • Introduce cuts on the mesh
  • Smart cuts reduce distortion

Texture Atlas Generation

  • Split model into number of patches (atlas)
    • to reduce distortion
    • to avoid self-intersections
    • to improve texture packing

Levy et al.: Least squares conformal maps for automatic texture atlas generation - SIGGRAPH 2002

Real-World Example

Real-World Example

Real-World Example

Twitter xxivips


  • Botsch et al., Polygon Mesh Processing, AK Peters, 2010
    • Chapter 5

  • Floater & Hormann, Surface Parameterization: A Tutorial and Survey, Advances in Multiresolution for Geometric Modeling, Springer 2005
    • has all the concepts
  • Hormann et al., Mesh Parameterization, Theory and Practice, SIGGRAPH 2007 Course
    • has all the proofs