Lecture 3D Geometry Processing
Surface Reconstruction
Prof. Dr. David Bommes
Computer Graphics Group

Surface Reconstruction

  • Goal: Transform acquired samples into triangle mesh

physical model
acquired point cloud
reconstructed model

Surface Reconstruction

  • Goal: Transform acquired samples into triangle mesh

  • Main Approach:

    • First reconstruct an implicit function
    • Then extract isosurface using Marching Cubes (MC)

  • Advantages
    • result is closed 2-manifold surface
    • suitable for noisy input data

Recall: 2D Marching Squares Algorithm

  • Classify grid nodes as inside/outside
    • Is \(F(x_{i,j})\) below or above iso-value?
  • Classify cell: \(2^4 = 16\) configurations
    • in/out for each corner
  • Determine contour edges
    • look-up table for edge configuration
  • Determine vertex positions
    • linear interpolation of grid values along edges

Wikipedia: Marching Squares

Recall: 2D Marching Squares Algorithm

Wikipedia: Marching Squares

3D Marching Cubes Algorithm

  • Classify grid nodes as inside/outside
    • Is \(F(x_{i,j,k})\) below or above iso-value?
  • Classify cell: \(2^8 = 256\) configurations
    • in/out for each corner
  • Determine contour triangles
    • look-up table for triangle configuration
  • Determine vertex positions
    • linear interpolation of grid values along edges

Wikipedia: Marching Cubes

3D Marching Cubes Algorithm

  • Cell Configurations

Wikipedia: Marching Cubes

Poisson Surface Reconstruction

  • Slides courtesy of Misha Kazhdan
  • Source Code available at:
    • http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~misha/
  • Implementation included in Meshlab and many other tools

Misha Kazhdan

The Indicator Function

  • We reconstruct the surface of the model by solving for the indicator function \(\chi\) of the shape

\[\chi(\vec{p}) \;=\; \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if } \vec{p} \in \set{M} \\ 0 & \text{if } \vec{p} \not\in \set{M} \\ \end{cases}\]

Indicator function \(\chi\)


  • How to construct the indicator function from a set of oriented points?

Oriented points
Indicator function \(\chi\)

Gradient Relationship

  • There is a relationship between the normal field and gradient of (smoothed) indicator function

Oriented points
Indicator gradient \(\nabla \chi\)

Recap: Notation

  • 3D scalar fields

\[u\of{\vec{x}} \;=\; u(x,y,z)\]

  • 3D vector fields

\[\vec{u}\of{\vec{x}} \;=\; \vector{ u(\vec{x}) \\ v(\vec{x}) \\ w(\vec{x}) } \;=\; \vector{ u(x,y,z) \\ v(x,y,z) \\ w(x,y,z) }\]

Recap: Notation

  • Gradient & Jacobian

\[\grad u\of{\vec{x}} = \vector{ \diff{u}{x}\of{\vec{x}} \\[1mm] \diff{u}{y}\of{\vec{x}} \\[1mm] \diff{u}{z}\of{\vec{x}} } \,,\quad \grad \vec{u}\of{\vec{x}} = \matrix{ \diff{u}{x}\of{\vec{x}} & \diff{u}{y}\of{\vec{x}} & \diff{u}{z}\of{\vec{x}} \\[1mm] \diff{v}{x}\of{\vec{x}} & \diff{v}{y}\of{\vec{x}} & \diff{v}{z}\of{\vec{x}} \\[1mm] \diff{w}{x}\of{\vec{x}} & \diff{w}{y}\of{\vec{x}} & \diff{w}{z}\of{\vec{x}} }\]

Recap: Notation

  • Gradient & Jacobian, simplified notation
\[\grad u\of{\vec{x}} = \vector{ u_{,x}\of{\vec{x}} \\ u_{,y}\of{\vec{x}} \\ u_{,z}\of{\vec{x}} } \,,\quad \grad \vec{u}\of{\vec{x}} = \matrix{ u_{,x}\of{\vec{x}} & u_{,y}\of{\vec{x}} & u_{,z}\of{\vec{x}} \\ v_{,x}\of{\vec{x}} & v_{,y}\of{\vec{x}} & v_{,z}\of{\vec{x}} \\ w_{,x}\of{\vec{x}} & w_{,y}\of{\vec{x}} & w_{,z}\of{\vec{x}} } \]
  • comma-subindex denotes the partial derivative

Recap: Notation

  • Divergence

\[\func{div}\of{\vec{u}}\of{\vec{x}} = \left( \grad \cdot \vec{u} \right) \of{\vec{x}} = u_{,x}\of{\vec{x}} + v_{,y}\of{\vec{x}} + w_{,z}\of{\vec{x}}\]

\[\left( \grad \cdot \vec{u} \right) = \vector{ \diff{}{x} \\[1mm] \diff{}{y} \\[1mm] \diff{}{z} } \cdot \vector{ u\of{\vec{x}} \\[1mm] v\of{\vec{x}} \\[1mm] w\of{\vec{x}} } \]

Recap: Notation

  • Gradient, Jacobian
    \[\grad u\of{\vec{x}} = \vector{ u_{,x}\of{\vec{x}} \\ u_{,y}\of{\vec{x}} \\ u_{,z}\of{\vec{x}} } \,,\quad \grad \vec{u}\of{\vec{x}} = \matrix{ u_{,x}\of{\vec{x}} & u_{,y}\of{\vec{x}} & u_{,z}\of{\vec{x}} \\ v_{,x}\of{\vec{x}} & v_{,y}\of{\vec{x}} & v_{,z}\of{\vec{x}} \\ w_{,x}\of{\vec{x}} & w_{,y}\of{\vec{x}} & w_{,z}\of{\vec{x}} } \]
  • Divergence
    \[\func{div}\of{\vec{u}}\of{\vec{x}} = \left( \grad \cdot \vec{u} \right) \of{\vec{x}} = u_{,x}\of{\vec{x}} + v_{,y}\of{\vec{x}} + w_{,z}\of{\vec{x}}\]
  • Laplace
    \[\laplace\vec{u}\of{\vec{x}} \;=\; \grad^2\vec{u}\of{\vec{x}} \;=\; \grad \cdot \grad\vec{u}\of{\vec{x}} \;=\; \vec{u}_{,xx}\of{\vec{x}} + \vec{u}_{,yy}\of{\vec{x}} + \vec{u}_{,zz}\of{\vec{x}}\]

Recap: Notation

  • Gradient, Jacobian
    \[ \grad u = \vector{ u_{,x} \\ u_{,y} \\ u_{,z} } \,,\quad \grad \vec{u} = \matrix{ u_{,x} & u_{,y} & u_{,z} \\ v_{,x} & v_{,y} & v_{,z} \\ w_{,x} & w_{,y} & w_{,z} } \]
  • Divergence
    \[\func{div}\of{\vec{u}} = \grad \cdot \vec{u} = u_{,x} + v_{,y} + w_{,z} \]
  • Laplace
    \[\laplace\vec{u} \;=\; \grad^2\vec{u} \;=\; \grad \cdot \grad\vec{u} \;=\; \vec{u}_{,xx} + \vec{u}_{,yy} + \vec{u}_{,zz} \]
often we omit the parameter \((\vec{x})\)

Integration as a Poisson Problem

  • Approximate gradients by a vector field \(\vec{v}(\vec{x})\)
    • \(\vec{v}(\vec{x}) = \vec{0}\;\) inside and outside
    • \(\vec{v}(\vec{p}_i) = \vec{n}_i\;\) at point samples \(\vec{p}_i\) vector field equals point normals \(\vec{n}_i\)
  • Find indicator function \(\chi\) whose gradient best approximates \(\vec{v}\) \[\min_{\chi} \int \norm{ \grad\chi (\vec{x}) - \vec{v} (\vec{x})}^2 \func{d}x\]
    • not every vector field is integrable, i.e. can be represented as the gradient of a scalar function
  • Variational calculus leads to Poisson equation \[\laplace \chi \;=\; \grad \cdot \vec{v}\]

Variational Calculus in 1D

  • Minimize deviation from \(v(x)\) on interval \([a,b]\) \[C(f) = \int_a^b \left( f'(x) - v(x) \right)^2 \func{d}x \;\to\;\min\]
  • Add test function \(u\) with \(u(a) = u(b) = 0\) \[C\of{f+\lambda u} = \int_a^b \left( f' + \lambda u' - v\right)^2 \func{d}x = \int_a^b \lambda^2 {u'}^2 + 2\lambda (f'-v) u' + \left({f'}-v\right)^2 \func{d}x \]
  • If f minimizes C, the following has to vanish \[ \left. \frac{\partial C\of{f+\lambda u}}{\partial \lambda} \right|_{\lambda=0} \;=\; \int_a^b 2 (f'-v) u' \, \func{d}x \;\stackrel{!}{=}\; 0 \]

Variational Calculus in 1D

  • Has to vanish for any \(u\) with \(u(a) = u(b) = 0\) \[ \int_a^b (f'-v)u' \, \func{d}x \;=\; \underbrace{\left[ (f'-v) u \right]_a^b}_{=0} - \int_a^b (f''-v')u \, \func{d}x \;\stackrel{!}{=}\; 0 \quad \forall u \]
\[\begin{eqnarray*} \int_0^1 f'g \func{d}x = \left[ fg \right]_0^1 -\int_0^1 fg' \func{d}x \end{eqnarray*}\]
  • Only possible if \[ f'' - v' \;=\; 0 \quad\Leftrightarrow\quad \laplace f = \grad \cdot v \]
  • So-called Euler-Lagrange Equation


  • Given the input point set:
    • Setup adaptive octree
    • Compute vector field
    • Compute indicator function
    • Extract iso-surface


  • Given the input point set:
    • Setup adaptive octree
    • Compute vector field
    • Compute indicator function
    • Extract iso-surface


  • Given the input point set:
    • Setup adaptive octree
    • Compute vector field
      • Define function basis
      • Splat the samples
    • Compute indicator function
    • Extract iso-surface


  • Given the input point set:
    • Setup adaptive octree
    • Compute vector field
      • Define function basis
      • Splat the samples
    • Compute indicator function
    • Extract iso-surface


  • Given the input point set:
    • Setup adaptive octree
    • Compute vector field
      • Define function basis
      • Splat the samples
    • Compute indicator function
    • Extract iso-surface


  • Given the input point set:
    • Setup adaptive octree
    • Compute vector field
      • Define function basis
      • Splat the samples
    • Compute indicator function
    • Extract iso-surface


  • Given the input point set:
    • Setup adaptive octree
    • Compute vector field
    • Compute indicator function
      • Compute divergence
      • Solve Poisson equation
    • Extract iso-surface


  • Given the input point set:
    • Setup adaptive octree
    • Compute vector field
    • Compute indicator function
      • Compute divergence
      • Solve Poisson equation
    • Extract iso-surface


  • Given the input point set:
    • Setup adaptive octree
    • Compute vector field
    • Compute indicator function
    • Extract iso-surface

Poisson Surface Reconstruction

  • Summary

Michelangelo’s David

  • 215 million data points from 1000 scans
  • 22 million triangle reconstruction
  • Compute time: 2.1 hours
  • Peak memory: 6600MB

Even Michelangelo’s chisel marks are reconstructed!

Face Scans

  • Performs de-noising and smooth hole filling
  • Adaptive octree yields detailed reconstruction

470k points
Hoppe reconstruction
Poisson reconstruction


  • Poisson Surface Reconstruction
    • robustness to outliers
    • fills holes
    • performance through octree and multilevel solver
    • can also be implemented on tetrahedral mesh (CGAL implementation )